News from MTV3 television channel in Finland May 2020

News from MTV3 television channel in Finland May 2020

Interest in motorhomes has doubled

Lifestyle report published on MTV News in Finland 2020



(News translated in English below)


The increased demand for motorhomes has surprised rental companies. In particular, new customers have been activated. According to Finland's largest motorhome rental company, rental volumes have doubled compared to last year. 


The Finns have rediscovered the beauty of nature during a corona spring, which is why many people dream of a corona-safe nature holiday in Finland. The demand for a mobile cottage, i.e. a motorhome, has surprised positively motorhome rental companies which rely mainly on international customers. 

0:35: Interview: Veijo Tiitinen, Managing Director of Touring Cars 

We are known for our European-wide rental business and have always served international customers. But due to the corona, they are not able to come. At first, many cancellations were made. But now, in the last two or three weeks, domestic customers have woken up and we have received a lot of inquiries. 


The highest demand is for the most popular holiday season from Midsummer (June) to the beginning of the next school year (August). Most of them want to rent a large motorhome. 

0:59: Interview: Antti Hamari, Managing Director of Suomen Matkailuautovuokraus 

We have faced unprecedented demand, because people have realized that, at the moment, this is a safe way to travel. Far from other people and you can go independently anywhere you want. 


According to Touring Cars, Finland's largest motorhome rental company, as many as half of the rental customers this spring have been first-timers in motorhome traveling. 

1:15: Interview: Veijo Tiitinen, Managing Director of Touring Cars 

Domestic customers are currently making more than twice as many bookings as during the same period last year. Let’s see how numbers will go up, but we’re very optimistic about making a great year with domestic customers. 


Prices of family motorhomes vary according to seasons in different companies. The weekly price ranges from 1250 to 1800 euros at the most popular time. 


Interviewer: Has Corona raised prices? 

Interview: Antti Hamari, Managing Director of Suomen Matkailuautovuokraus: 

No, this is not an aggressive money-making situation. The situation is at the moment that our booking fleet calendars are starting to be quite full, but there are still some customers from Central Europe who would most like to cancel their trip, so there will be room for Finnish customers. Now, the situation is that we have started to understand how quarantine has affected all people. Anyhow, at times we have been asking customers to contact our competitors with their inquiries. 


Rental companies have taken seriously enhanced disinfection cleaning following corona regulations, which is even done by using respirators on their face. 


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